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Billy gets his teeth trimmed

So the lovely lady came from the Guinea Pig rescue, and said he needed his teeth trimming. So dad took Billy and I to the vet, for a checkup to make sure he's healthy (he is) and to trim his teeth. The vet said they weren't horribly overlong, but gave them a trim. We got back home, and I let him settle a bit, then as he'd not had veggies for a couple of days (to give him a gentle calcium purge) I organised some carrot, courgette, yellow pepper and romaine lettuce. Before the teeth trimming he'd demolished them without me needing to cut them into chunks for him. Romaine Lettuce Leaf He trundled over at some speed, and had a go at the lettuce, and to the surprise of both of us - he couldn't tear any off.  I haven't given him Romaine before so I didn't know if this was normal so I gave him the chunk of carrot. Which he had a good go at, but couldn't get more than small chips from. (Sorry about the bar in the way in the video). The trim had

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